at last the bangla translation had been published for three of them ..
"foundation and empire"(episode 2)
"foundation's edge"(episode 4)
"foundation and earth". (episode 5)
i bought " foundation's edge " from "ekushey boimela" of Bangla academy on February 2002 and "foundation and earth" on 2003. After reading these three in bangla I was lucky to get "the second foundation" as a gift from one of my friend, it was the original English version and one of the most thrilling one for me, the other one is "foundation and empire" . Though I have not read them in order as they are intended to be read still it was not impossible to get the excitement !
True to say, I was not at all happy with the ending in " foundation and earth", just felt that Asimov is not writing with full passion, he was just using his reputation to deliver a best seller without concerning about the readers' satisfaction...
The story of the foundation was over , but to satisfy the readers hunger for more from this series another 2 books of this series was published, these two deal with the past history of the foundation ! .. by this time i got accustomed with computer and internet and downloaded all 7 . But reading soft copy from the computer monitor is still difficult for me.. I started to read "Harry potter and the deathly hallow " before and gave up :( !! but this time I was determined ! and at last i finished the whole "Prelude to foundation" (the pdf I downloaded ) and it was the first complete eBook i have finished reading . Now i am really excited and am getting used to it...
the last novel of this series(and the last book of Asimov ) "Forward the foundation" has just disappointed me. it is not only boring, also repetitious ! But at least I realized one thing .. i was a science fiction fan from my school life and read as many si-fi as i could get..and most Bangladeshi writers who are filling their pocket and bank account by writing si-fies are doing nothing but copying the idea of Asimov and Arthur C Clarke-- the same plot, same story with a little change here and there .
However, the first four were tremendous, if you are a true si-fi fan , don't miss them at all !!
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